
Ages 6-15      

League age is determined by player age on  May 1, 2025


General Information

Registration fee includes: numbered jersey, baseball pants, socks, baseball hat, insurance, and a participation trophy for ages 5-7.  

AGE GROUPS are 6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12 & 13/15


-Batting helmet



-Bat (optional)

-Practice pants / shirt


-Practice days and times will be determined by each individual coach

-2 days a week Monday - Saturday 

-Begin week of 


-2 games a week Monday - Saturday


-Season goes through 

-No tournament


Evaluations are only necessary when needed to separate players into more than one team. All registered players for age groups needing evaluations will be contacted with the scheduled time and day to be at the park. 

West St. Tammany will be following USSSA rules for 2025.  Bats must be stamped USA or USSSA.

USSSA Bat Rules

You are allowed to use a USA Baseball Bat in USSSA certified play.  USA models will be substantially lower performing bats when directly compared to USSSA models.

Park addresses

Abita: (A) Charlie Finn Memorial Park located at 22517 Hwy. 36, Abita Springs, LA. 70420.

Bush: (B) 31000 Crawford Cemetery Rd., Bush, La. 70431- off of Hwy. 41.

Coquille : (Coq) 13505 Hwy. 1085, Covington, La. 70433 

Covington:  (C) 4001 De Porres St. which is off of Highway 190 going toward covington High School games are played on dePorres St. which is off of Highway 190 going toward Covington High School.  Take Collins Blvd. north.  Turn left at light by CVS, Walgreen's, McDonald's, etc.  Travel approximately one mile and you will see sign for Covington Recreation.  dePorres St. is on the left past tractor place.  Follow this road into the park.                                                                                                                                                             

Folsom: (F)  Magnolia Park located at 13296 Hwy. 40, west of Hwy. 25, Folsom, LA. 70437.  Take Collins Blvd. north.  190 becomes Hwy. 25.  Turn left onto Hwy. 40 at gas station in Folsom at the first red light past the school.  Travel about 4 blocks.  Ballpark is on the left.                                    

Lacombe: (L) 62569 Fish Hatchery Rd., Lacombe, La. 70445, (985)882-7782. 3 different options:                                                                                    Lacombe baseball field can be accessed via Hwy. 36 past the Abita ballpark to Hwy. 434 to Lacombe, turn right when you get to the circle, turn right after Capital One bank.  Drive through the neighborhood, ballpark is on the left.  OR  Lacombe baseball field can be accessed via I-12 to Hwy. 434, turn right, go down to traffic circle, turn right when you get to the circle, turn right after Capital One bank.  Drive through the neighborhood, ballpark is on the left.  OR   Lacombe baseball field can be accessed via Hwy. 190 (Florida).  Take Hwy. 59 south toward Mandeville.  Turn left on Hwy. 190 (Florida).  Go past flashing light and continue to Lacombe.  Pass Chevron station on right, hardware store on left, turn left after convenient store and follow Fish Hatchery Rd. behind convenient store through neighborhood, ballpark is on the left.   

 Lee Road: (LR) 83462 Hwy. 1129, Covington, LA. 70435. Located  4.5 miles north of Barker's Corner.  Take Collins Blvd. to Lee Road.  Turn right, and follow Lee Road past Barker's Corner. Ball fields are on the right side of the highway.

Loranger:  (Lor) 54301 H. Cologne Rd., Loranger, La. 70446.

Pelican Park: 63350 Pelican Park Blvd., Mandeville. La. 70448


*Team/ coach requests are taken into consideration but cannot be not guaranteed. 

*Registration fee is $100.00. Out of district fee is $25.00 for anyone who lives outside of Recreation District #11 boundaries.

*Further information on registration page.