
Ages  5 - 15 

 League age is determined by player age on  September 1, 2024.


 Sept 29 - Oct 13

General information

Registration fee includes: numbered jersey and uniform shorts, insurance, and a participation trophy for ages 5-7.  

AGE GROUPS are Co-ed 5/6, 7/8 boys and girls, 9/10boys and girls, 11/12 boys and girls , 13/15 boys and girls


-Non-marking sole tennis shoes (no black soles)

-Ball- To practice skills at home

   27.5- 5/6

   28.5 All Girls & 7/8, 9/10 boys

   29.5 11/12 & 13/15 boys


-Days and times are determined by each individual coach

-2 – 3 days week Monday – Friday & Saturday

-Practices start in November


-Mon- Fri & Saturdays

-Games December through Janurary

-No Tournament


Evaluations are only necessary when needed to separate players into more than one team. All registered players for age groups needing evaluations will be contacted with the scheduled time and day to be at the park.

Gym addresses

Abita              Abita Springs Gym - 22519 Hwy. 36 - Abita  Springs. La. 70420

Bush              31000 crawford Cemetery Rd., Bush, La. 70431

Covington     Covington Elementary or William Pitcher Jr. High  - 415 S. Jefferson Avenue - Covington, La. 70433

Folsom           Magnolia Park - 13296 Hwy. 40 - Folsom, La. 70437

Lacombe         John Davis Gym - 61100 North 12th, Lacombe, La. 70445

Lee Road         Lee Rd. Jr. High - 79131 Hwy. 40 - Covington, La. 70435  

*Team/ coach requests are taken into consideration but cannot be not guaranteed. 

*Registration fee is $100.00. Out of district fee is $25.00 for anyone who lives outside of Recreation District #11 boundaries.

*Further information on registration page.

2023 WST Basketball Official rules

                                                                                           WST Youth Sports

                                              Player/Parent Code of Conduct

Youth Sports should be a fun and rewarding time for the players, parents, coaches, umpires, and fans. As such, the West St. Tammany League expects the highest degree of sportsmanship from its players and parents.  In keeping with this philosophy, the following Code of Conduct has been adopted league wide.


Remember that the league exists for the players to learn and to have fun!!

* Parents should be supportive of coaches. The coaches are volunteers giving of their time in order to coach. Parents should be a positive role model that fosters respect of the coaches among the players. Concerns about a player’s role on a team should be expressed to the coach(es) in a private setting, never in public.

* All umpires / referees will make mistakes occasionally, but coaches and parents are expected to afford the umpires with the respect their position within the game deserves.

* Booing, taunting, refusing to shake another coach’s and/or player’s hands after a game, or ridiculing another player is not acceptable behavior.

Players will learn these values by the examples they see from those around   them, and to this end, the following rules will be strictly enforced:

* Verbal abuse of an official, coach, player, or spectator, including obscene gestures, will not be tolerated. The offender may be removed from any gym or field at the discretion of an umpire / referee or WST official or representative thereof.

* Profanity is expressly forbidden at all times at all WST youth sport functions.

* Alcoholic beverages and the use of illicit drugs are prohibited at all WST youth sport functions.

*.Smoking and tobacco are allowed in designated areas only at all WST youth sport functions.


Anyone removed from a WST youth sports event must leave the field / gym immediately.   If a person refuses to leave on their own accord, the police will be contacted and the offender will be arrested.

Each agency has the authority to ban any person they deem necessary from their facility per St. Tammany Parish Council Ordinance Sec. 16-006.00..



* I hereby pledge to be positive about my WST youth sport experience and accept responsibility for my participation by following this Code of Conduct.

* I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.

* I will attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot. I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.

* I will expect to receive a fair amount of playing time.

* I will treat my coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly.

* I deserve to have fun during my WST youth sport experience and will alert my parents and coaches if it stops being fun!

* I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me.

* I will do my very best in school.

* I will remember that youth sports are an opportunity to learn and have fun.


* I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

* I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

* I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

* I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or sporting event.

* I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures.

* I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well-being of the athletes.

*  I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

* I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.

* I will teach my child that doing one's best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.

* I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

* I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

* I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.

* I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.

* I will not enter the court without permission of the director, official, or coach giving me permission to do so.



                                                                        West St. Tammany Basketball Rules 2023


The current Biddy Basketball Rules of play will govern, except as modified.




*** A league wide form for WST BASKETBALL pertaining to player & parent conduct MUST be signed by a parent which will be held by each director in their own area. A copy of this form will be placed within this rule book.  (See pages 3-5 above) 


Team Rosters will be emailed to all areas at the time specified by the league. An official copy of the roster is included in this rulebook. This will be the only form accepted for ALL team rosters from ALL areas.

A)                  Team Roster will consist of name, address (no P.O. Box will be accepted), telephone number.

B)                  The park directors/basketball board must check Birth Certificates of each player.

C)                 The Head Coach and Area Director will sign rosters.


**Must be18 years of age to be a head coach.  Only one coach will be allowed to instruct a team while in a game situation.


Only one coach will be allowed to stand at any time during the game.  All other coaches must be seated with the team. Once a coach is given a technical foul, no coach will be allowed to stand during the game.


AGE GROUPS  The cut-off date for Boys and Girls will be September 1, 2023.


GIRLS ********  7/8/9,  10/11/12,  13/15  

BOYS ********  7/8,  9/10,  11/12,  13/15

CO-ED GROUP ***** 5/6  

Each Team will be allowed a maximum of 13 players.

A)                  If an area has 14 or more players signed up for a team, they will split into 2 teams, and so on.

B)                  NO child will be cut because of this rule.



Each team is REQUIRED to have reversible jerseys in contrasting colors. All players must have on a team jersey to participate in the game unless notified in advance by the director.



1)   No street clothing allowed. NO items with zippers, pockets, buttons, grippers, snaps, etc., will be allowed. GYM SHORTS (elastic waist with or without draw strings will be the only shorts allowed to be played in), GYM SHIRTS, & TENNIS SHOES ONLY!  ONLY Tennis Shoes will be allowed (NO DARK SOLES) on the court. No player will play barefoot or in street shoes.

2)   Girls & boys shorts MUST be fingertip length or they will be asked to leave the court. No one will be allowed to roll his or her shorts in order to shorten the length.

3)   Everyone is expected to keep their shorts at waist level at all times or they will be asked to leave the court.

4)   At NO time will anyone be in the situation of his or her underclothes showing from under their gym clothes at any time or they will be asked to leave the gym.

5)   All dress code rules are to be followed closely by the officials in charge and may charge the team with a technical before asking that person to leave the court.

6)   It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure these dress code rules are followed! If the coach refuses to make these rules effective, the area director will be contacted and it will be their responsibility to see that the dress code is met.

7)   Undershirts – If undershirts are worn, they must all be of like color and they must all be short sleeve.  Every team does not have to wear an undershirt, but those that do must all be alike.  Coaches are advised to carry an extra t-shirt with them at all times. If one player wears an undershirt, then all players must wear an undershirt.

8)   OPTIONALIt will be the coach’s decision as to whether or not the shirts will be tucked in or left out. If (1) one person tucks their shirt in then everyone on the team must tuck their shirt in (or everyone must leave their shirts untucked). * If the shirts are not hemmed there will be no option – the shirts must be tucked in.*

 9)   No team will be allowed to put anything on the back of their shorts. This means logos, etc…

10)   Team Colors – If two teams have the same color jersey, the visiting team must reverse their jersey.

11)   Numbers shall not have digits greater than 5, numbers can start with 1, 2, etc.. (i.e.1-5, 10-15, 20-25,  30-35,  etc….). This could justify the referee to start the game with a technical foul if the numbers are incorrectly printed.


DRAFT RULES       DRAFT SYSTEM will be used to keep teams balanced.

A)                  All players will go into the draft regardless of whom they played for last year.  (No coach gets a player because he            

                                                             had them last year)

B)                  All drafts will be conducted by drafting LEAGUE age player’s first and younger players last (i.e.  if 9/10 – must draft

          10 year olds first then go to the 9 year olds). This rule does not apply for first round choice.

C)                 The draft will be conducted as follows:      

All age groups with more than one team involved will draw for a blind number of order which will be the order of making their pick. (i.e.  1, 2, 3, …)

1)                  The 1st round pick can be anyone of any age of that age group.  Order of choosing 1, 2, 3…

2)                  The 2nd round pick will be the coach’s child or the coach’s declared pick.

3)                  The 3rd round pick will be the oldest age of each age group (i.e. 7/8’s must choose all 8 year old players first.  Order of choosing 3, 2, 1…

4)                  The count from this point forward will be 1, 2, 3,…3, 2, 1, …

5)                  If in the event there are not enough players to make another round (i.e. age 8’s) or the last 2 picks will fall on the same coach, then the younger age players may be added to the draft at this time (i.e. age 7’s). The remaining 8 year olds may then be held in the draft until the final picks.

D)                 A coach’s child becomes his or her Automatic Second Choice.

E)           Any coach that does not have a child on the team they are coaching MUST declare their child pick before the 1st round pick begins. This is not the coach’s 1st round pick. The coach only may opt to wait until the 2nd round to take their child pick.    

F)                  Any player not present for the draft will have their name drawn from a hat.  There will be a separate hat for the older age and the younger age of the group that is being drafted.  (Modified 11/2015)

G)                 Any coach having a true disabled or handicapped child should be considered a coach’s 2nd round pick (which is their own child’s pick). The coach may pick any available child remaining in the pool of players for their 2nd round pick – this child will not be declared before the 1st round. The child with the disability automatically becomes the coach’s last pick.

NOTE:  Any information concerning the child with a visible disability must be brought by that area’s director to the WST Basketball Board for a final decision from the board. The parent of the child must send in writing their request for this approval. The area in which the child is involved will not be allowed to vote on this decision.

H)                 A disabled child will be allowed to play in an age group younger than the true age of the child. This will be for their safety and for a more even competition for the child.

NOTE:  Any information concerning the child with a visible disability must be brought by that area’s director to the WST Basketball Board for a final decision from the board. The parent of the child must send in writing their request for this approval. The area in which the child is involved will not be allowed to vote on this decision.

I)                     All drafts must be conducted in the presence of the director or their designee.

J)                   Siblings become automatic draft choices on the same team. The 2nd child does not have to be taken until later in the draft.  Siblings are considered living at the same address in the same house.




1)                  A mandatory coaches meeting will be held before any games are played. The head of referees and WST basketball board will conduct this meeting. All coaches will be required to sign in on an official sign in sheet.

2)                  All players will be insured. THIS RULE IS MANDATORY.

3)                  All players must turn in a permission to play slip signed by their parent / guardian to their area.

4)                  No player will be allowed to play in two leagues at the same time unless one league plus all-stars are completely over before the start of the West St. Tammany League. This includes AAU, high school or jr. high.

5)                  The home team is responsible for providing an Official Scorekeeper and Timekeeper for their home gym. In Tournaments, the hosting area must provide a timekeeper. Scorekeepers are part of the officiating crew and cannot coach from the table.

NOTE: Anyone keeping the clock MUST be 18 years or older.

NOTE: Anyone keeping the HOME scorebook MUST be of the age of 18 years or older. In the event that the HOME bookkeeper is under the age of 18, the Visitor’s bookkeeper will become the official book for the game.

NOTE:  Each area will provide a scorekeeper whether they are the visiting team or not.  

6)                  Play will be with 28.5” junior ball for ALL GIRLS and boys from age 7 through 10.

7)                  Play will be with 27.5” ball for all 5-6 Coed Teams.

8)                  12-18 boys will use junior high regulation basketball. The home team will furnish the game ball and will be used for all (4) four quarters.

9)                  No one will be allowed to stand or sit under the goals on either end of the court during play. This includes the area behind the goals.

10)               It is the responsibility of the Coaches and the area to have each player play according to the rules. If the coaches can’t follow the rules. then the area director will be contacted and the coach will be warned the 1st time. The 2nd time will be automatic dismissal of the coach. 



A)                  Coach may hold a player out of a game for disciplinary action. Coach does not have to justify disciplinary action to the other coach. The coach must let the officials and the opposing team’s coach that there is a child being disciplined BEFORE the game begins.  – This applies to all age groups.

B)                  If a player who must play to fulfill the player obligation has not played after the start of the 4th (fourth) quarter, the offending team forfeits the game. This offense must be noted by the game officials and the official scorekeeper before the end of the game.

C)                 If a player arrives to the gym before the 4th quarter starts, he / she must meet player obligation.  Any player that arrives after the 4th quarter starts is not required to meet the 1 quarter obligation rule.

13) 8’6” goals will be used for both 7/8, 9/10 year olds, & 7/8/9 girls.

14) 8’ goals will be used for 5/6 COED teams.

15) 9’6” goals will be used for 10/11/12 girls.

16) 10’ goals will be used for all age groups 11-16.

17) All score keepers MUST check and compare books after the 3rd quarter, the clock keeper must initial each book after it is done. If this is not done then neither team can protest a game.  This will help cut down on problems with the scorebook indifferences, but checking after each quarter is suggested. 

18) In the event a team drops below their roster amount, they are allowed to pick up players to bring their roster to seven, unless they only had six players on their original roster. The team in question must get permission from the league to do this. No new player picked up can have already been listed on another team’s roster.

 * This rule was added to avoid any team from having to forfeit games and / or possibly the season. The player being picked up must still be in that area’s boundaries and meet all eligibility requirements.  EXAMPLE:  Team A had 8 players listed on their original roster, 3 dropped off for various reasons. Team A can pick up 2 new players – NOT 3. NO PLAYERS CAN BE PICKED UP DURING TOURNAMENTS OR GOING INTO TOURNAMENT. PLAYERS MUST HAVE PLAYED AT LEAST 4 REGULAR SEASON GAMES PRIOR TO PLAYING IN THE TOURNAMENTS.

19)A basketball director or their designee MUST be present at all times while games are being played in their gym. 

20)All COACHES & PLAYERS must show good sportsmanship. Everyone is responsible for shaking hands after the game. If anyone fails to shake hands after the game, their director will be notified and / or the WST Board for reprimand. 

21)NO Self-Activating Gel ice packs will be allowed in any gym.  All areas must provide zip-lock bags for ice packs in case of injuries.

22) If gym is marked properly, three point shots are allowed for ages 7 & up for boys & girls.

23)OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULE – please note that this is an official jr. high & high school rule that is being enforced by officials. Please warn your players of this rule below:

***No dunking, hanging on rim, or touching the backboard in any way at any time. Whether you are warming-up before the game, at half time of previous game, half time of the game being played, or the game that follows. This penalty will result in the game beginning with a technical foul & there will be NO tip off to start the game. The team shooting the technical foul shots will get the ball to begin the game. The team in default will result in a technical foul called on the player which in turns is a personal foul & will count towards the team fouls even before the game begins. The official will make this violation known before the game begins. ALL AGE GROUPS INCLUDED. ***       

24)ALL coaches must be in the gym 10 minutes prior to game time.  Scorebooks must be at the score table and ready 10 minutes prior to game time.  All players are to be on the listed on the line up in every scorebook.  If a player is injured or not here still list them in the lineup.  Just put not here or injured next to their name. 

25)Only teams currently playing or playing in the next game are allowed on the court during halftime or between games.  A coach must be present with the team in order for them to warm up on the court.  No one is allowed on court between quarters during the game.

26)Stacking the lane in all age groups on foul shots is now ALLOWED as per Jr. High Rules. 

27)There will be no full court press for any team that has a 15pt lead.  This is for all age groups. 

There will be no 15- minute grace period to start a game.  If the team does not have the required number of players to start the game at game time, then it will be a forfeit.




1)                  Any coach that threatens an Official or curses him / her will have a hearing by the board. If found guilty, they will be dismissed from coaching. His area Director will then appoint a new coach to take over the team or the team will forfeit the rest of their games. 

2)                  Any coach that does not shake opposing team players hands will have necessary action taken by the Area Director of the League he is coaching in. If action continues, a hearing will be held by the Board to determine if the coach is guilty of the offense, and he/she may be dismissed from coaching.

 3)                  If a team’s crowd gets too rowdy, the coach will be asked by the Officials to calm his / her crowd. If he refuses the same actions will be taken as described in Rule #1 above.


4)                  Foot stomping, name calling, or talking to the shooter, during foul shots by the fans or players, will be a Technical Foul. The foul will be charged against the coach for fans or coaches. The foul will be called on the player or the team (if a parent commits the offense) that commits the offense.

5)                  Coaches will be allowed to call time outs to address any referee on matters related to the game being played. The coach shall address the referee in a conversational manner; not confrontational (judgment of the referee) and will be charged one team time out for this action.

6)      Anytime that any person, players or coaches, deliberately punches, slaps, or does not shake hands the following disciplinary action will be taken:

1st Offense – (1) one game reprimand 

2nd Offense – That person along with their coach must face the WST Board for reprimand.

THE COACH MUST PUT IN WRITING TO THEIR AREA DIRECTOR DETAILS OF THE OFFENSE AND THIS REPORT MUST BE SIGNED BY BOTH THE COACH AND THE DIRECTOR.  If a director sees the offense or is called upon by the offense, they must go to the coach for disciplinary action. If there is a dispute of the offense, then all parties involved must go before the WST Board to be reviewed.

7)      No coach or fan shall be allowed to embarrass a player physically, verbally, mentally, or otherwise. 

8)      Any player or coach that has been ejected from any game, for any reason, will not be allowed to play or coach in the next game.

      a) The coach will not be allowed to sit on the bench      

        with the team - they must stay in stands with the Spectators.

      b) The player must sit in the bench with the team in uniform. Until the player sits on the

         bench for one full game, they will not be allowed to play in any upcoming games. The   coach must inform the officials & the opposing coach & bookkeeper that the player is being reprimanded & is unable to play in the game prior to the start of the game.


PLEASE NOTE:  All WST Basketball Board meetings are for Area Directors only unless a coach or any other person is invited or requested to attend.


5/6 Year Old Basketball Rules


* The teams will consist of equally divided co-ed teams. Girls & boys will be divided equally among the teams. 

* The game will begin by the flip of a coin. No tipping off (or jump ball).

* Quarters will consist of Four (4) eight minute intervals. **These quarters will be running time.

* (1) One coach will be allowed to go onto the court to help get the players in place as needed but not at any time to interfere with a play in progress. (such as free throws)

* The possession arrow will be in place for the remainder of the game.

* At half time, each team will shoot free throws.

• The free throws will be attempted by every player of each team

• Each team will receive two free throw shots per player.

• If a team has an unequal amount of players, the team with the least amount will shoot free throws to compensate for the amount until the number is equal.  The team with fewer players will have each player’s number placed into a cup to draw who will shoot extra free throw shots so that both teams are shooting equally.

* No child will be allowed to shoot more than twice (total of 4 shots) unless it is mathematically needed.

* There will be no full or half court press for any games.

·                     Defensive line is the three point line. 

·                     All defensive players must be within the three point line at all times.

·                     The defense must set up at all times.  There are not fast breaks.

*Offense must enter the defensive box within 10 seconds of crossing half court.  The offense may return outside of the defensive box, but must return again within 10 seconds.  An offensive player may only stay outside the defensive box for 9.5 seconds.  If the offense does enter the defensive box within 10 seconds, the whistle will be blown and the defense will take the ball from out of bounds.  Referees will be in charge of counting the seconds once they have crossed the half court line.  There will be NO pressing.

* Five (5) fouls per player will result in the player being fouled out.  5/6 do not shoot on fouls.

* Every player will be required to play one quarter.

* Game CAN end in a tie – NO OVERTIMES.

* 3 Time-outs per half. 

* The goal height will be 8 feet.

* 5/6 can shoot from any spot for free throws.

* The regulation size ball to be used for this age group will be 27.5”.


Games will consist of four (4) - eight (8) minute quarters. The clock will stop for timeouts and foul shots. The clock will stop the last (2) two minutes of each half as in regular basketball games.

**Each player is required to play a 1 quarter minimum per game. From start to finish of 1 complete quarter**

1)                  Each court will have a defensive line, clearly marked – being the volleyball lines already present on the court, consisting of only the top line by half court and NO SIDELINES.** BOYS ONLY: Allowed to full court press in 4th quarter ONLY UNLESS AHEAD BY 15 POINTS.

GIRLS ONLY:  HALF-COURT press allowed in 4th quarter ONLY UNLESS AHEAD BY 15 POINTS

2)                  Defense must play within these marked lines UNTIL the offense has penetrated the defensive line within 10 seconds. Once they have penetrated the defensive line, the line is no longer in force.

A)  While in the defensive line, if the ball is (in the judgment of the referee) knocked “out of the defensive line” by either a defensive play (e.g. – blocked pass / shot, shot off backboard, etc,) or loss of control by the offensive (e.g. – bad pass, missed ball, etc…) and the ball goes “out of the defensive line” (will be considered a free ball) both teams will be allowed to pursue the ball and establish control. 

3)                  The offense only has 10 seconds to penetrate the defensive line. If they fail to penetrate the line within 10 seconds the ball will be turned over to the defense.

4)                  A team leading by 15 or more points MUST remain within the defensive line at all times. If the score goes under a 15 point spread, they can go back to normal play.

5)                  Offense may not shoot from outside the defensive line boundaries. EXCEPTION:  Desperation shot may be shot outside the defensive line. Referee will determine whether or not the shot was a desperation shot.  Player shooting with one foot on the line is considered to be inside the defensive box.

6)                  *Once a team has established possession by means of a rebound, the other team MUST go down and setup for defensive play.  Any ball that hits the rim or backboard is considered a rebound. 

7)                  *A team can run a fast break on a steal only.  On a steal the defense CAN defend the entire length of the court.  If a team chooses not to fast break on a steal, defense MUST go down and set up. 

8)                  Lane Violation -- 5 seconds.

9)                  The Free-Throw line will be clearly marked at the new distance of 3 ft. from the free throw line or 12 feet from the front of the backboard ****Gyms with hang on goals will measure their distance from the front of the backboard making sure the distance is 12'. It will not be the same distance of 3' from free throw line****goal height is


11)  At half time, each player will shoot (2) two foul shots. Home team shoots first. Both teams will shoot the same number of shots.  If a team has an unequal amount of players, the team with fewer players will have each player’s number placed into a cup to draw who will shoot extra foul shots so that both teams are shooting equally.

Maximum players allowed under the goal will be 6 players including the shooter.  – Maximum of 4 shots per player!





GIRLS --- games will consist of four (4) - eight (8) minute quarters. The clock will stop for timeouts and foul shots. The clock will stop the last two (2) minutes of each half as in regular basketball games.

BOYS --- games will consist of four (4) - six (6) minute quarters.

**Each player is required to play a 1 quarter minimum per game. From start to finish of 1 complete quarter**

1)                  All games will be played on a regular basketball court not marked like a biddy court. The goals will be eight (8) feet six (6) inches high.

2)                  BOYS - The clock WILL STOP on the official’s whistle and resume on the touch of the ball by an inbound player. GIRLS – running clock – see above

3)                  Lane Violation --- 5 seconds.

4)                  GAMES CAN END IN A TIE!!!!

5)                  Time between halves will be six (6) minutes.

6)                  Three (3) time outs per team per half will be given (NO carryovers).  One (1) time out per two (2) minute over times (NO carryovers).

7)                  Coaches will not be allowed on the court during play.

8)                  Substitutions can only be made when the clock is stopped.

9)                  Coaches or players may call time outs only during possession or on a dead ball.

10)                BOYS ONLY - Full court PRESS is allowed in any and all quarters - unless they are 15 points ahead. On full court PRESS WARNINGS, officials will stop the game and report to scorekeeper as to keep up with the number of warnings on a team.  TWO (2) WARNINGS MAXIMUM --- ON THE 3rd WARNING,  A TECHNICAL FOUL WILL BE CALLED. Technical fouls will be placed on the player who committed the warning and not on the coach.

11)                GIRLS ONLY - Full court PRESS is allowed the 4th quarter ONLY - unless they are 15 points ahead. On full court PRESS WARNINGS, officials will stop the game and report to scorekeeper as to keep up with the number of warnings on a team.  TWO (2) WARNINGS MAXIMUM --- ON THE 3rd WARNING,  A TECHNICAL FOUL WILL BE CALLED. Technical fouls will be placed on the player who committed the warning and not on the coach.  Half court press is allowed at any time during the game.




GIRLS --- games will consist of  four (4) - eight (8) minute quarters. The clock will stop for timeouts and foul shots. The clock will stop the last  two (2) minutes of each half as in regular basketball games.

BOYS --- games will consist of  four (4) - six (6) minute quarters.

**Each player is required to play a 1 quarter minimum per game. From start to finish of 1 complete quarter**

1)                  All games will be played on a regular basketball court not marked like a biddy court. The goals will be ten (10) feet high.

2)                  BOYS  - The clock WILL STOP on the official’s whistle and resume on the touch of the ball by an inbound player.

3)                  Lane Violation --- 3 seconds.

4)                  Tie games will go into overtime.  Two (2) minutes per overtime. No limit to the number of overtimes until a winner is determined.  Jump ball will start each overtime. Fouls and 1 & 1’s carry over. One (1) timeout will be allowed  each overtime. NO CARRYOVERS.

5)                  Time between halves will be six (6) minutes.

6)                  Three (3) time outs per team per half will be given (NO carryovers).  One (1) time out per two (2) minute over times (NO carryovers).

7)                  Coaches will not be allowed on the court during play.

8)                  Substitutions can only be made when the clock is stopped.

9)                  Coaches or players may call time outs only during possession or on a dead ball. 

10)  Full court PRESS is allowed the entire game except when the pressing team is ahead by 15 points or more.  On full court press warnings, officials will stop the game and report to scorekeeper as to keep up with the number of warnings on a team.  TWO (2) WARNINGS MAXIMUM --- ON THE 3rd WARNING,  A TECHNICAL FOUL WILL BE CALLED. Technical fouls will be placed on the player who committed the warning and not on the coach.





GIRLS --- games will consist of four (4) - eight (8) minute quarters. The clock will stop for timeouts and foul shots. The clock will stop the last two (2) minutes of each half as in regular basketball games.

BOYS --- games will consist of four (4) - six (6) minute quarters.

1)  Will play by Junior High Rules with the following exceptions:

     A)        Mandatory play rule is in effect for all players.

     B)   A team leading by 15 points or more may not play full court press. On full court  PRESS 

WARNINGS, officials will stop the game and report to scorekeeper as to keep up with the

number of warnings on a team.  TWO (2) WARNINGS MAXIMUM --- ON THE 3rd WARNING,

A TECHNICAL FOUL WILL BE CALLED. Technical fouls will be placed on the player who

committed the warning and not on the coach.

2)  Lane Violation  ---  3 seconds.

3) Tie games will go into overtime.  Two (2) minutes per overtime. No limit to the number of

    overtimes until a winner is determined.  Jump ball will begin each overtime. Fouls and 1 & 1’s   

    carry over. One (1) timeout will be allowed in each overtime. NO CARRYOVERS.

4)Three (3) time outs per team per half will be given (NO carryovers).  One (1) time out per two (2) minute over times (NO carryovers).

2)    OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULEplease note that this is an official jr. high & high school rule that is being enforced by officials. Please warn your players of this rule below:

No dunking, hanging on rim, or touching the backboard in any way at any time. Whether you are warming-up before the game, at half time of previous game, half time of the game being played, or the game that follows, This penalty will result in the game beginning with a technical foul & there will be NO tip off to start the game. The team shooting the technical foul shots will get the ball to begin the game. The team in default will result in a technical foul called on the player which in turns is a personal foul & will count towards the team fouls even before the game begins. The official will make this violation known before the game begins.


Address for each Gym


Abita -    22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420



Covington -  415 S. Jefferson St., Covington, LA 70433

 Covington plays at William Pitcher Jr. High.


Folsom - 13296 Hwy 40, Folsom, LA 70437

** from Covington, on Hwy. 25, take a left at the 1st light (by Home Bank) & go 3 blocks.

** from Franklinton, on Hwy. 25, take a right at 2nd light (by Home Bank) & go 3 blocks.


Lacombe -  61100 n. 12th St., Lacombe 70445


Lee Road -  79131 Hwy. 40, Covington, La 70435 

Lee Road plays at Lee Rd Jr. High School.

**From Covington off of Hwy. 190 take Hwy. 437 (Lee Rd.) until you come to a stop sign(Barker’s Corner).  Go straight through stop sign & school will be on the left.

**from Folsom, take Hwy. 40 to Hwy. 437. At stop sign take a left & school will be on left.

Clock table rule summary