Meeting Minutes 

February 20, 2024

                                                                  St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                 22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547 

     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                            Alfredo Soler, Secretary                                                                                             

             Scott Newton                                                                                         Bart Soileau                                                                                                    

             Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, February 19, 2024 at 5:00 P.M.




1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5.      Public Forum

6.      Old Business

a.       Financial Report

b.      Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7.      New Business 

8.      Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – March 19, 2024


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.

February 20, 2024 Board Meeting

Called to order: 7:30

Roll Call: Bart Soileau, Scott Newton, Brandon Harrell

Absent: Alfredo Soler

Also in attendance:   Lisa Palisi

Motion to approve minutes from January: Postpone minutes.

No Public Forum. 

Financial report: Lisa reported that she called Howard yesterday to remind him to send the financial report, but the financial report was not received.  Lisa read the bank balances.  For CBT, the beginning balance was $174,178.46, ending balance was $185.580.36.  For Hancock/Whitney, the beginning balance was

$215, 104. 29, ending balance was $765, 417.34 which reflects the millage deposit. Motion to approve by Scott Newton, 2nd by Bart Soileau.  None opposed.  Motion passes.

Director’s report by Lisa.  Brandon asked what we’re doing about softball this year, so Lisa reported that Coquille will play with us.  He asked if we have to travel to them, but Lisa reported that Coquille will travel this season.  Dixie Softball changed the league age date to January 1, 2024 which is better because the girls will be older when the season rolls around.  It is unfortunate however because they have changed the date several times the past few years.  Lisa reported that we only had a few 11/12 year old girls register, so she asked Lee Road and Coquille if these girls could play with the 9/10 teams to keep the girls playing, and they said yes.  She was concerned that if they didn’t play this year, they may not return next year.  Lisa reported that she has a Millage Workshop on March 5th and a CLGE Training with Louisiana Legislative Auditor March 14 and 15, which she attends every year.  Baseball registration went well.  We have 5 t-ball teams For baseball, we have two 6U teams, five 8U teams, two 10U teams, one 12U team, and one 15U team.  For softball, we have one 6/8 team, and two 9/11 teams.

Lisa reported that she needs approval for the general liability insurance, and that she will purchase the golf cart discussed in December because the leases were expensive.  Motion to approve insurance by Scott. Second by Bart.

Evaluations for 9/11 girls will be held this Thursday.  Baseball evaluations are scheduled for next Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  Lisa plans to have clinics since practice doesn’t start until the last week of March. 

New Business:  Brandon discussed looking into purchasing the land that the ballfields are on.  Lisa agreed that we should look into purchasing the land because the recreation district has so much invested in that property. Scott agreed that the baseball fields would be in better condition if we didn’t also play soccer and football on the same fields year round.  Lisa suggested getting some estimates on the property’s value to send to Emily so that she could prepare a cooperative endeavor agreement for the purchase proposal.  Brandon suggested adding an outdoor basketball court, sandlot field, and a small bathroom that would be outside of the fenced in fields with cameras for supervision.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00.


Next meeting will be March 19, 2024.

MARCH 19, 2024

                                                                  St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                 22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547 

     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                            Alfredo Soler, Secretary                                                                                             

             Scott Newton                                                                                         Bart Soileau                                                                                                    

             Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, February 19, 2024 at 5:00 P.M.




1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5.      Public Forum

6.      Old Business

a.       Financial Report

b.      Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7.      New Business 

8.      Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – March 19, 2024


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.

  Recreation District #11

                                                                                          March 19, 2024 Board Meeting


Called to order: 7:18

Roll Call: Bart Soileau, Scott Newton, Brandon Harrell

Absent: Alfredo Soler

Also in attendance:   Chris Johnson, Lisa Palisi

Motion to approve minutes from January & February: Motion by Scott Newton.  Second by Bart Soileau.

No Public Forum. 

Financial report: Lisa reported on bank balances.

CBT  192,549.60;   Sinking fund 17.98;  Whitney 845,168.58.  Chris reported that since the recreation district no longer has debt, the sinking fund can be closed.  He also informed the board that the state offers LAMP, Louisiana Asset Management Pool which is a savings account with interest.  A board member can apply online.

Director’s report by Lisa.  Soccer has one more week of practice and one game left.  We had to cancel the last two soccer games because of the weather, so the younger teams have been making up games during practices.  Baseball and softball practices start next week.  We had clinics for both.  Discussed the fields being too wet for the clinics on Friday and Monday.  Jamboree is April 13 because we are trying to finish games by the time school lets out.  Lisa presented the latest diagram from Thomas Brown’s office that includes a walking track around the fields.  Lisa sent an email today asking how many parking spaces we have, and asking to include enough space around the football fields for stands/bleachers.  The board was asked for any suggestions because once the board approves the drawings, they will figure out the drainage to send the drawing to the Army Corps of Engineers for mitigation.   Board discussion regarding plans for soccer and football.  Brandon expressed concern with parking areas being close to the fields.

New Business:  Chris reported on the financial audit report for the 2023.  The auditors looked at the recreation district’s internal controls to check compliance with laws, page 6.  On page 7, the change in net position is $466,774.  Chris discussed page 11 which is the fund balance, or the cash flow for the year.  There was less expense for baseball, decrease in payroll for 2023, and utilities decreased $9,000.  Page 12 is capital outlay for electrical improvements and the last bond payment.  The change in fund balance was $291, 445.

Page 30, budget to actual shows that the recreation district came in under which is fine.  Chris told the board that we need to have a budget message.  He left an example to help.  Chris said we can take the debt service off of the balance sheet and profit/loss statement.  Chris told the board to make sure they review budget to actual on a monthly basis because basketball was in the wrong place for 2023 because the accountant had it coded incorrectly.  Chris reported that everyone took their ethics and preventing sexual harassment training.

For the Agreed Upon Procedures audit, the district needs a contracting procedure in the policy manual.  On page 4, Chris recommended asking Howard to give the board the bank reconciliations each month to show that a board member has received it, and to make sure any checks that haven’t cleared are followed up on.

Page 5 includes the statement as to why the district doesn’t have theft insurance.  Chris also asked Lisa to  post the sexual harassment policy on the website.  Lisa and Jamie need to take cybersecurity course.


 The board voted to close the sinking fund.  Motion by Scott Newton.  Second by Bart Soileau.  Bring signed minutes to the bank to close the account.


Meeting adjourned at 8:13.


Next meeting will be April 16, 2024

April 16, 2024                                                                     

 St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                               

                                                               22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547


                                                     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                                              Bart Soileau                                                               

                                         Scott Newton                                                                                                         Mary Landry                                                                            

                                         Lisa Palisi, Director





                                    Notice of Public Board Meeting                                                                                                                            To be rescheduled to May 21 due to not having a quorum available.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:00 P.M.




1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5.      Public Forum

6.      Old Business

a.       Financial Report

b.      Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7.      New Business 

8.      Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – May 21, 2024







In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                                                                                                                              Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary                                                                 



MAY 21, 2024                                    


St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                                                                                           22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547


                                                                                    Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                           Bart Soileau  

                                                                   Scott Newton                                                            Larry Route                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lisa Palisi, Director




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Notice of Public Board Meeting                                                               

                         To be rescheduled to June 18 due to not having a quorum available. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5:00 P.M.




1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5.      Public Forum

6.      Old Business

a.       Financial Report

b.      Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7.      New Business 

8.      Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – June 18, 2024







In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.                                                                       


JUNE 18, 2024                                    

St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11

22519 Hwy. 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420



Notice Posted:  June 14, 2024





A public meeting will be held as follows:


DATE:  June 18, 2024       

TIME: 7:00 P.M.  

PLACE OF MEETING:  22519 Hwy. 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420       




         Call to Order

         Roll Call

Approval of Minutes from last meeting, March 19, 2024.

Old Business          

         1. Financial Report

         2. Director’s Report


         New Business:

1.  Adopt the 2024 millage rate.

2.   Discuss project plans regarding proposed site plan.






         Next monthly meeting: July 16, 2024       



                                                                                    Brandon Harrell                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      St.Tammany Parish Recreation District #11

                                                                  22519 Hwy. 36, Abita Springs, La.                                                                                  



In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555 describing the assistance that is necessary.                                                                 


JULY 16, 2024                                    

                                                                       St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                 22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547


     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                         Bart Soileau  

     Scott Newton                                                                                     Larry Route                                                                                                  

                                                                                                                 Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, July 15, 2024 at 4:00 P.M.



1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5.      Public Forum

6.      Old Business

a.       Financial Report

b.      Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7.      New Business 

a.       Grant Schlueter to discuss applying for a bond.

b.      Resolution to give permission to negotiate land purchase.

c.       Executive session to discuss details of an offer.

d.   Resolution to update bank signers. 

8.      Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – August 20, 2024.



                 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555,                     

                                 describing the assistance that is necessary.