Meeting Minutes 

SEPTEMBER 17, 2024                                    

                                                                  St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                      22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420  , 985-888-6547

     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                Bart Soileau  

                                            Scott Newton                                                            

  Larry Route                                                                         Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. 

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, September 16, 2024 at 2:00 P.M.


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call 

4. Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5. Public Forum

6. Old Business

     a. Financial Report

     b. Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7. New Business 

8. Executive Session 

9. Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – October 15, 2024


 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                          

Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.


September 17, 2024       

Called to order: 7:13

Roll Call: Brandon Harrell, Scott Newton, Larry Route

Absent:  Bart Soileau

Also in attendance:   Lisa Palisi

Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting: Motion by Scott Newton.  Second by Brandon Harrell. 

Motion to approve minutes passes.

No Public Forum.  

Financial report: Motion to approve August financial report.  Question about office supplies and professional fees being over budget.  Was the lease included in office supplies?  Was the audit included in numbers for professional fees?  Lisa will ask accounting.  Motion to approve by Scott Newton. Second by Larry Route.

Director’s report by Lisa.  No games at Abita this past weekend due to the hurricane because the fields were saturated.   Folsom and Pearl River were the only parks that were able to have games.  For 5/6 football, we only had three teams between Abita, Folsom, and Lee Road, so I reached out to Chappapeela to see if we could play with their 5/6 teams.  They formed teams at Zemurray Park in Hammond, so our 5/6 teams will play with them.  Abita’s 7/9 and 10/12 teams will also play a couple of games with them, and they will fill in the rest of their schedules with Chappapeela teams.  Baseball, softball, and t-ball will start games at the end of September.  

New Business:  Discussion about needing better topographical data than the LIDAR that was used since the town is requiring a hydraulic analysis and stormwater detention ponds in order to develop the property next to the gym.  Motion to approve $7,500 for the hydraulic analysis by Brandon Harrell.  Second by Scott.

Motion to enter executive session to discuss land purchase by Scott Newton.  Second by Brandon Harrell.

Executive session was from 7:25 to 7:50. Result of executive session is that the board would like Emily Couvillon to write a purchase agreement offering $950,000 to purchase St. Andrew’s Village Property, and present it to Mr. Campbell.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52.



OCTOBER 15, 2024                                    

                                                                 St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                      22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420  , 985-888-6547

     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                         Bart Soileau   

                                              Scott Newton                                                                                        

                                              Larry Route                                                                                Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. 

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Monday, October 14, 2024 at 2:00 P.M


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call 

4. Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5. Public Forum

6. Old Business

        a. Financial Report

        b. Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7. New Business 

8. Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – November 19, 2024

                          In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                              Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.


October 15, 2024

Called to order: 7:10

Roll Call: Larry Route, Scott Newton, Brandon Harrell 

Absent:  Bart Soileau

Also in attendance:   Lisa Palisi

Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting: Motion by Scott Newton.  Second by Larry Route. 

Motion to approve minutes passes.

No Public Forum.  

Financial report: Motion to approve Scott Newton.  Second by Larry Route.  Motion passes.

Director’s report by Lisa.  Lisa reported that she attended flag football games at Zemurray Park in Hammond.

Since we only had three teams in our league for 5/6 age group, Lisa reached out to 

Chappapeela, and we are playing the Zemurray Park teams.  Fall sports are in full swing. 

New Business:  Kelly McHugh spoke with the town last month.  The town requires no net increase in runoff so they need to perform another analysis which is more accurate than the report that they have already performed for water retention.  We need board approval to move forward.  The cost of the aerial Lidar is $4,325.00.  Brandon made a motion to approve the echo topography map.  Second by Scott Newton.  

Motion passes. Scott asked about the meeting regarding the golf course.  Lisa reported that the meeting is a luncheon next Wednesday, October 23 at 11:30 at Hillcrest Golf Course.

Next meeting will be November 19, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25.



NOVEMBER 19, 2024                                    

                                                                   St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                      

                                                                     22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420, 985-888-6547

                                      Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                         Bart Soileau                                                              Scott Newton                                                                    

                                       Larry Route                                                                                                  

               Steve “Rock” Ruiz                                                                                 Lisa Palisi, Director


Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. 

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Friday, November 15, 2024 at 5:00 P.M


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call 

4. Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5. Public Forum

6. Old Business

a. Financial Report

b. Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7. New Business 

8. Executive Session

9. Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – December 17, 2024

                 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                                                           Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.



                November 19, 2024            


Called to order: 7:12

Roll Call: Bart Soileau, Larry Route, Rock Ruiz, Scott Newton, Brandon Harrell 


Also in attendance:   Lisa Palisi

Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting: Motion by Scott Newton.  Second by Larry Route. 

Motion to approve minutes passes.

No Public Forum.  

Financial report: Table until next month.

Director’s report by Lisa. Fall sports are finished.  We had the trophy and pizza party last Thursday.  Registration for spring soccer will take place in December. Basketball practices are going on now.  We will have a few games the second week of December with just Abita teams.  The league games will start January 7th

When the kids go back to school.  The town informed us that we need to install a backflow preventer at the ballpark.  We also need to have inspections done yearly on the backflow preventers. I spoke with Dean Hopper.  He’s supposed to come by Monday to give me a price on the backflow preventer for the park, and he told me that the inspections cost $150.  Brandon suggested checking with Anthony Liuzza and Quality Plumbing to get a couple of prices.  Discussion about St. Andrew’s Village Property.  Lisa spoke with Bucky Meredith who stated that part of the land was purchased, and part of the land was considered a donation.

Bucky reported that Mr. Poitevant wanted Mr. Meredith to speak with Mr. Rudolf who insists that he wants his “donated” portion of the property which amounts to $150,000.  What the board decides to offer for the property will be predicated on the appraisal.  Mr. Meredith reported that the land supposedly appraised for 2.1 million dollars 8 years ago.  Lisa will attend the NAYS Congress in New Orleans November 20 through November 22. Next Tuesday, the staff is having a Thanksgiving dinner for employees at 5:00 and the board is invited to attend.  Lisa has been working with Howard to balance the budget, but when Chris performed the audit last year, we discovered that some things were classified incorrectly.  Chris sent the ledger so that Lisa and Jamie can try to make corrections.  Last year, the budget was based on $999, 500.  The millage amount budgeted was $805,000, but we actually received $877,000. The millage amount that we can budget for next year is $1, 048,000.

Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss employee raises by Scott Newton.  Second by Bart Soileau.

Next meeting will be December 17, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50.



DECEMBER 17, 2024                                    

                                                                      St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #11                                                                                                                                          22519 Highway 36, Abita Springs, La. 70420   

                                                            , 985-888-6547

     Brandon Harrell, Board Chairman                                                         Bart Soileau  

 Scott Newton                                                                       LarryRoute                                                                                                  

                Steve “Rock” Ruiz                                                                                 Lisa Palisi, Director



Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. 

St. Tammany Recreation District #11 Gym

Multi-Use Facility – Conference Room

22519 HWY. 36 East, Abita Springs, LA

Notice Posted:  Friday, December 13, 2024 at 5:00 P.M


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call 

4. Approval of Minutes from last meeting/hearing

5. Public Forum

6. Old Business

a. Financial Report

b. Amend 2024 Budget 

c. Director’s Report – Lisa Palisi

7. New Business 

a. Adopt 2025 Budget

8. Executive Session

9. Adjournment – Next monthly regular Board meeting – January 21, 2025


 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact                                  Park Director Lisa Palisi at 985-871-7555, describing the assistance that is necessary.